Tenha Seu Próprio Equipamento (in Portuguese)

Em alguns círculos profissionais, a reputação dos sistemas portáteis de interpretação não é das melhores, sobretudo na Europa. E os termos usados para designar um equipamento móvel não deixam dúvida quanto a isso: bidule (treco); valisette (malinha); tour-guide, etc. Contudo, há situações em que o equipamento portátil é a única solução prática, o que explica sua crescente popularidade junto a várias organizações […]

Are You The Best of the Best?

“Welcome to the largest multilingual summit this office has ever organized. Congratulations on making it here. You are the best of the best.” With these words, the chief interpreter of a top international organization greeted a team of 70 interpreters in Washington, D.C. Gathered around the u-shaped table, they were briefed on the Summit they would […]

Breaking the Starbucks Code A Cup at a Time

I am an unusual Brazilian, for I hate coffee. Well, I don’t particularly hate it, but for the most part I don’t remember it exists. Until a friend buys me some, that is. I then will sit and sip it slowly enough to get me through a conversation without embarrassing my host. Half of my […]

Finnish: My Newest Language

Wondering why it took me so long to write a post? I was too busy learning FINNISH! Don’t believe me? Well, check out the impeccable translations I have just completed in English AND Portuguese, of an article by Teija Potenze in the Journal of the Finnish Translators’ Association (voted one of the most prestigious T&I journals in […]