Ewandro Magalhãesentrepreneur | author | speaker | coach Think of me as a language services executive and former Chief Interpreter in the United Nations with 30+ years of experience.  Think of me as a disruptive connector. I am the co-Founder and the Chief Language Officer of KUDO,  an award-winning platform to add live interpretation to […]

How to Land a TED Lesson

As I write this post, my TED Lesson on How Interpreters Juggle Two Languages at Once has been viewed nearly 800,000 times. In an animated video that is barely five minutes long, the lesson sheds light on an insanely stressful occupation most people know nothing about. The TED lesson makes viewers aware of the key […]

The Great Race Around the World

Think Magellan was the first man around the world? Think twice. The identity — and status — of the first man to go full circle may surprise you big time. My TED-Ed Lesson on Magellan’s Circumnavigation of the World is out. In a 4-minute video it tells you everything you need to know about this incredible […]

Nice Trumps Nasty

Man with a Panama hat, in a light suit, dark shirt, playing the trumpet. The instrument covers the player's face. The instrument is seen frontally.

Most of us have learned to see politeness as wimpy and meek. We contemplate meanness as a shield worth wearing, despite the long-lasting harm it does to others and ourselves once the excitement of immediate gains fades away.