Mind your language, you @#x!$%* !

A woman's face, in black and white. Only a part of the face is visible, from the nose to the chin. She has her index finder on her lips.

A few weeks ago, I was interviewed by the BBC in connection with an incident involving the interpreter who watered down parts of President Trump’s speech at the UN General Assembly that were critical of the Iranian regime. Detailed transcriptions of both the original and the interpretation can be easily found online. The interpreter was […]

Nice Trumps Nasty

Man with a Panama hat, in a light suit, dark shirt, playing the trumpet. The instrument covers the player's face. The instrument is seen frontally.

Most of us have learned to see politeness as wimpy and meek. We contemplate meanness as a shield worth wearing, despite the long-lasting harm it does to others and ourselves once the excitement of immediate gains fades away.