Tenha Seu Próprio Equipamento (in Portuguese)

Em alguns círculos profissionais, a reputação dos sistemas portáteis de interpretação não é das melhores, sobretudo na Europa. E os termos usados para designar um equipamento móvel não deixam dúvida quanto a isso: bidule (treco); valisette (malinha); tour-guide, etc. Contudo, há situações em que o equipamento portátil é a única solução prática, o que explica sua crescente popularidade junto a várias organizações […]

My New Vintage Seal and Logo

The seal plays with the Latin spelling of my name (Magalhães is the original Portuguese name for Magellan). The motto, which again ties back to the intrepid navigator, translates loosely as tossed by the winds, always afloat. It is also on the coat of arms of Paris. And in the wake of the terror attacks in […]

La Vie en Rose

I must have been five or six, but I still remember vividly the day I realized I could read. I was gingerly crossing an intersection in my hometown, my father towing me by the hand, when the hazy neon light in the distance suddenly collapsed into a meaningful string of letters: “c-i-n-e-m-a”. The feeling was […]

Breaking the Starbucks Code A Cup at a Time

I am an unusual Brazilian, for I hate coffee. Well, I don’t particularly hate it, but for the most part I don’t remember it exists. Until a friend buys me some, that is. I then will sit and sip it slowly enough to get me through a conversation without embarrassing my host. Half of my […]